Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What Is It With Dogs & Slippers??

Maybe it is just my dog, but she absolutely loves my slippers. They are my Steve Madden leopard slippers and I've had them forever...since early high school. I leave them by the back door and use them for going outside, since I'm not worried about them getting dirty or messed up. Funny thing is that she never goes for Matt's slippers, just mine. When she was younger anytime that I'd wear them, she'd attack my feet. Now she goes and finds them and she doesn't destroy them like she does most of her toys, instead she just holds on to them and she'll often walk by me to show me that she has my slippers and then run away. She is a bit of a taunter, so that is her way of getting my attention.

The other day I was sitting outside on our patio furniture and I noticed that she got a hold of one of my slippers and brought it outside with her and was playing with it in the backyard. Here is a picture...

I try not to let her get away with stuff like that but she's just so darn cute that it's hard.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Meet The Family!

Hello and welcome to our blog, Living With A Duchess! Our names are Matt and Sarabeth and we are husband and wife. We've been together since high school...yep, that's right, we are high school sweethearts :) We have been married going on 6 years now. We also have a 10-month old puppy named Duchess. She has brought so much joy to our lives and she definitely makes life more interesting. Her name suits her perfectly! This is a picture of her and Matt shortly after we first got her.

Doesn't it look like she has a regal air about her? She is quite a bit bigger now...about 70 lbs and still growing. She is the most loveable puppy. She is very smart and sweet and is full of energy, but she also has a bit of a naughty side to her at times.
Our Family

This blog is mostly about our life together as a growing family. We also love to try out new products and review them and share our thoughts with others. Hopefully we'll be able to host some great giveaways in the near future. Please join us on this crazy adventure!


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